
Posts Tagged ‘party’

Picture Catch-Up

August 29th, 2006 No comments

I finally got around to uploading a bunch of pictures:

Also, flickr just added the ability to tag your pictures by location. It’s really cool but a little unwieldy at the moment. It would be even cooler if you could use something like that new Sony GPS widget that can add GPS coordinates to your digital pictures.

Categories: Pictures, Travel Tags: , ,

Something Old, Something New

August 26th, 2005 No comments

I currently have the gallery index pages setup so that clicking on a thumbnail takes you directly to the picture whose thumbnail you clicked on and clicking on the title of the gallery takes you to the first page of the gallery. I’m considering changing the thumbnail behavior to match the title behavior. Does anyone care?

Categories: Pictures Tags: ,

Holiday and Mali Pictures

April 4th, 2005 No comments
Categories: Pictures Tags: ,

Picture Progress

January 4th, 2005 No comments

Going Public

October 8th, 2004 No comments

Hi there.
Welcome to my new site. Hopefully this will help me to get pictures online a bit more quickly. As evidence:
Worm’s Tea Party
2001 Triple Threat Birthday Party

Categories: Pictures, Site News Tags: