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Martin- The Anti-Seinfeld

Martin- The Anti-Seinfeld

Martin performs for Abi, Ian and Abby-

"Did you ever notice that 'descriptivist' is the term d'art for the humptydumpty lexicology Jason and Luke champion... i remember them being called something else, but they are essentially the linnean taxonomists of the social sciences: quaint, meticulous but ultimately kind of worthless. 'prescriptivism' tends to have unpleasant political implications. neither one makes much sense. this is why i don't care much for linguistics as a discipline..."

Image information
Date: 2005/10/29 Saturday
Time: 11:37:51 PM
Image Size: 800 x 600 (159.0K)
Full Size: 908 x 681
Original Size: 2272 x 1704
Camera: Canon PowerShot G3
Exposure Time: 1/60s
F number: 2.000
Flash: On
Focal Length: 7.19mm

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This page maintained by Aaron Walker. Comments are welcome.
Last updated Fri 2005/11/11 06:36 PM.